Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine day

Hmmm like I always did, I'm always single. So there are quite a lot of people ask me, why so? You are so pretty, it's impossible that you are always single.

I'm not saying that No guys are coming after me. It's just that maybe It's me and not 'em. I mean frankly speaking, I'm not going for the looks but personality. Because this is what doesn't fade away as time goes by and which attracts me all the time and eventually make me love him even more.

Recently people just keep asking me this question coz for your information I'm turning 21 this year. So yeah, I have been considering about this.

After discussed with one of my friend who is single either, I found out that the reason that I keep being single and the relationship doesnt work No matter how is because I'm afraid and I'm not being myself and true to myself. It's like I really like him but to prevent myself from being hurt, I always pretend that I don't really care.

You know what? I just didn't realised that by protecting myself too much, I will never found my true love or the one who is meant for me.

For a relationship to work the best, we must be true to ourselves and our partner. Do not try to be ego and hidden all the feelings away from him. Besides, a relationship needs the commitment and sincerity from two person who truly wanna be together.

So it seems like there is still slot of things that I need to learn. BTW I'm here wishing all the sweet couples on this earth a very sweet and sexy Valentine! =)
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