Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My heart is bleeding ceaselessly when i heard that...

So seriously, attention to all the men on earth :
PLEASE do handle girl's heart with love and care coz out heart is fragile and weak...
AND if u cant do it, PLEASE DONT simply giving us ur promises and telling us the fairytale of forever ever after...

I am trying !!! trust me... i am trying...to GET OVER him...
NOT to think about him...
RESPONSE to all the date by others
TRYING to give some chances to those who wanna sought after me
TRYING to hypnogenisis myself that u are not my whole world
GETTING myself new clothes and NOT LETTING myself have any free time...

BUT all this just doesnt work!!!! i just ending up rejected everyone who comes over me

Seriously this is the first time i have ever feel pain... so ppl do teach me what am i gonna do to cure it...it's like an incurable disease badger with me... i cant stand it more... i wanna get rid of it... as soon as possible...coz this really ruined and disarrange my life... i really cant imagine what a miserable life i am leading on... what the heck man...

I am completely a loser... for not taking it down chicly and doesnt have the courage or guts to lose u...

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